No i'm not active on my own website. But I did mention in my previous blog somewhere that I would be more active on my Facebook Fan Page.....and yes it is true! If you haven't kept up well you've missed alot! :)
Anyhow, not too much to say because I say it all on my fan page! :) Anyhow...I'm excited that I finally step out of my zone this fall and begin studies with a couple of new bellydance teachers and maybe a new flamenco teacher...but I'm still sticking with my so-called birthmothers of bellydance (Suhaila Salimpour) and flamenco (Genoveva)... I'm just starting to branch out to new unchartered territories.
I will begin my studies in classical Egyptian style Bellydance...something I know i'm gonna SUCK in!...That's a FACT!...but I want to learn the roots so that I can be a more well rounded dancer...maybe Egyptian won't be my know what i KNOW it won't be my style.....but it won't take away from the fact that I'm gonna learn so much from a very good will only make me a better dancer.. Egyptian style is very soft and beautiful...i want that....I want to be a better educated dancer. So Egyptian is next! yippee!
I'm organizing a workshop for the talented Master Percussionist Souhail Kaspar. I'm excited to bring him so I can learn from him in person and again step out of my comfort zone.... I'm excited that I can maybe bring another person in the thriving DC bellydance scene that is well respected...and maybe bring him to some people (like ME!) who haven't had the chance to learn from him or even heard of him! He's been in DC before so hopefully I can continue the positive energy and the DC bellydance scene will support Mr. Souhail Kaspar in his workshop in DC in January 22-23, 2011.
My flamenco shoes are looking at me right now waiting to be used next week in class since my teacher is away for the week in Hawaii!...Lucky!
I toured the studio that I will be teaching in ....yes I said that...teaching.....i know i've said i would teach again in the past but it's for real this time...but it won't be till February as D-Day (my performance project show--and that's not the real name of the show...that will be revealed later) is taking up my time till then....i think i will be doing a 180 and instead of teaching adults...i'll be teaching children and teens!...aaah! soon-to-be boss presented that idea to me...good practice for me as i"m still suppose to go to Cartagena, Colombia and teach there!....aaah!....I got my invitation...just need to go!
The studio i will teach in is a new studio and the owners are just the most amazing people...i can't wait to work for and with's hard to find gems like them especially in the artistic will be my safe haven as an artist...and hopefully i will spread that positivity and energy to those tiny ones i'll be teaching... :)
I'm working on a performance project in January and I'm wearing a gazillion hats..executive producer, dancer, choreographer, manager, business person, artistic director, mother hen, and more...I hate all the hats I'm wearing but at this stage of my career I must do that since I don't have a manager. It's hard getting a 7 piece band together with 2 dancers, including myself for this show. It's experimental...and I love it!....Rehearsals began earlier this year but got postponed once the show was pushed back. But rehearsals begin again in October and I can't wait!
Two costumes, out of the 5 that I'm wearing for the show, are being custom made in NYC right I can't wait for my 2nd costume fitting at the end of September! hehe....
I said this was going to be short...but it's not...oh well... :)
Another thing to add on my plate...I'm looking for a waitressing job. on top of my day job!...Do i have any hours left in the day??...nope i'm creating them with less sleep... :/ I need the money so that's why I'm looking for the waitressing job...but in addition...i'm moving to another phase of my ME phase....i'm not getting younger and wanna live my life...despite the saddling school loans which are the only things holding me back....
I still need to raise money so that I can certify as a pilates mat instructor....there are so many things i want to do with the pilates certification......and it mainly involves Cartagena, Colombia and minorities, in particular those of a lower socioeconomic status. my artistic path as a dancer and musician needs pilates, my music, my photography (yes i'm a work has not been seen yet...but i think it's good.. :)...and it needs MONEY!...aah!...waitressing here i come! :)
i'm growing as an soul is growing...i wish to spread positivity like my great teacher Marija Temo does.....she is by far my favorite teacher in life....her humble spirit...her positive energy, her openness, her desire to grow, her mastery of her art....her spirit is just something to be in awe of ....i hope to make her proud when my soul performs soon.....not my soul....
ok have a good night all!
talk to you soon!
oh this is the song that is playing non-stop on my ipod, laptop...everywhere!.."tus ojos no me ven:..."your eyes don't see me" joey encanta....por que soy Afro-Latina....ay mi gusta esta cancion...muy bonitta.....ricooooo! :)
P.s. must find a way i can upload pics here... :/
click on the youtube link!!! and listen!....