Hello All!
Happy Mid-Summer!.. haha!
I hope everyone is having a great summer! It's been a mild summer in DC for sure!... I can sit on my laptop and work and just have my ceiling fan and my other fan on and be comfortable!! Last year I could never do that!....I would come home at night and the apartment would still be boiling hot even thought the sun went down hours ago! I would just lock myself up in the bedroom with the A/C.
Enjoy it!.....
Due to many requests and some great feedbacks from classes I've subbed for my teacher Marta, I think I may return back to the studio and teach again. Right now I've been focusing on training and life in general. I want to help bring a sense of community in my classes and in the way I teach. Because my class is so drill oriented it is so easy to get caught up in your own world and not focus on others. I dont' do that when I teach. I focus on you and make you focus on yourself.
However, it's true.....you have to focus on yourself and not worry that the person next to you can squeeze her glutes harder or they have better control of their muscles and the dance movements. If you focus on others you won't grow. Physically focus on you. Spiritually focus on everyone because we are all one! We are here together learning, as I'm still and forever learning from the wonderful Suhaila Salimpour, Marta and Genoveva.
Anyhow! It's not for certain but watch out for more information. New classes possible for the fall!
AVIANA....a dreamer falling into the sky... Subscribe