I've been real negligent with the blog. Sorry! On my facebook fanpage...I promised that I would write a post about D-Day!...And finally I am!
It was AWESOME!!...That's it! That's all I'm gonna write. Hah!
Ok I'll write a bit more. hehe...There is so much to tell but it would be such a long post but I'll try to summarize. I can't talk too much about the actual show because I'm bringing the show back next year. It was such a great first show and workshop for my new production company (Moon Dreams Productions).
Moon Dreams Productions (MDP) first productions were a 2 day intensive workshop by super master percussionist from Lebanon, Souhail Kaspar and of course THE SHOW! :) The workshop was for belly dancers and drummers. The dancers portion focused on Egyptian Choreography, understanding the various rhythms and the culture of the Middle East, and a section on performing a live drum solo. The drummers got a rare opportunity to learn from a super master! I'm glad it was a success! I got great feedback from the students and I'm so happy that they trully enjoyed their experience. Thank you! Oh check out the pics from the workshop!
The show!...Leading up to the show, it was an intense week of rehearsals, sweat, nerves, last minute changes, add-ons, frustrations, tears, ending in a smile! :) My first rehearsal with a live drummer, in particular someone like Souhail Kaspar was nerve wrecking! I have never danced live with a live drummer...and someone like Souhail?!?...such a rare opportunity! I really was bold to do this and I'm glad I did it. I learned so much and it went awesome. :)
The show..according to the audience was awesome! We got plenty of feedback and everything was positive. I am so happy I had a chance to do this and I made myself do this. Seriously, I could not have done it without the wonderful cast of the show, my dear friends who supported me all the way ..Milvia, Alexis, Sofia, Shannon, and more....you know who you all are,...oh my teachers!...all who have taught me in all capacities..especially Marija Temo...if you don't know about her you MUST! :)
Though I know I did not perform to the best of my abilities...(depressed about that) ...I'm content...the audience loved it and that's great.
I have included a couple of behind the scenes pictures of the show on my facebook fanpage...so please check them out.
I DID IT!...Now let's keep moving. I got plenty of goals to hit this year leading up to some big things I've got planned for next year 2012 and beyond. I'm walking on the RED...you best believe that!
Let's do this! :)
Love and Air,
P.S. Mariah Carey singing Make It Happen...about making your dreams come true....mine haven't but i'm exiting the "dreaming" phase...and bringing my dreams to reality...got a long way to go...hopefully you'll support and follow me.. :)
P.S.S. Pic is not mine! Got it here http://www.corbisimages.com/Search#p=5&q=stage+spotlight. I own no rights to it!