My Spain trip was a beautiful experience!
I first went to Jaen, Spain which is in the south of Spain,...Andalucia. It was soooo beautiful I wish I had more time to visit Andalucia!
I was invited to perform at the Bellsurdance Festival 10th Anniversary Gala Show. The organizers Alika and Felix Jimenez Ruiz were such amazing hosts. They were so gracious, accommodating and just over all amazing. Alika is a FABULOUS dancer by the way!
The gala show was great! I had a bit of a veil issue when I got onstage but got it together quickly. I got lots of positive comments from the audience members and I was happy with that. I then took the train to Madrid where I got to see the countryside as you can see on the head pic here. I arrived safely in Madrid and stayed at a great little hotel right in the center.
I met with my flamenco singing teacher Saray Munoz, had a number of private lessons with her, we went shoe shopping etc. I was lucky enough to celebrate her birthday with her and her family and friends. I even went to a flamenco tablao show at the one and only famous Casa Patas where she performed and so did some top notch Flamenco singers (Chelo Pantoja) and Flamenco dancers, Marco Flores and another performed. It was awesome!
I was also able to meet some of my "Madrid family." These are some close friends of mine in Madrid that I can't get enough of. I even met with my producer Shango Dely for a short bit. We are working on a new song and I can't wait to finally dive into making it.
My time was short but good. Check out some pics below of my time in Spain. The video is at Casa Patas. Chelo Pantoja is the last singer to our left. Marco Flores is a wonderful dancer!
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