My teacher really likes new song.. Today I worked on it and I am feeling more and more a techno/alternative rock/synth arrangement for it...a la Depeche Mode or whatever. It gave me chills actually. The more I sing it, the more I love it. I almost got side tracked when a couple of melodies popped in my head. I do need to keep writing especially for this opportunity if it comes through. Sigh..... Anyhow, I just discovered this new singer named Jarina De Marco. Check her out.
So I had my voice lesson today....and my teacher is telling me to take this possible 2nd gig in Budapest, Hungary next year. i already have one in the works for March/April in 2014 but another one was presented to me for August 2014 also in Budapest. It would be such a HUGE opportunity and I would be a fool to not jump on it. I'm hesitant but like my teacher said...I may never be ready and this opportunity may not present itself again...go for it...and get going now! That means I must write, write, write ,write, write and write even more songs! And I must practice practice practice! And I need to get a producer NOW!!! Gah! My teacher really likes new song.. Today I worked on it and I am feeling more and more a techno/alternative rock/synth arrangement for it...a la Depeche Mode or whatever. It gave me chills actually. The more I sing it, the more I love it. I almost got side tracked when a couple of melodies popped in my head. I do need to keep writing especially for this opportunity if it comes through. Sigh..... Anyhow, I just discovered this new singer named Jarina De Marco. Check her out.
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