I'm now submitting an application and was asked to describe myself in 150 words. Boy was that a task! lol It helped me realize something....something that I had been thinking for quite awhile but never really forced to explain until now. I'm not a "fusion" artist.....per se.
Superficially it appears that I am....but once a closer look is taken, and more is learned about me and my background...you realize that i'm not simply fusing....i'm representing who i am as an artist. Here's a quick explanation on why i have some reservations on calling myself a "fusion artist".....i wrote this email to a dancer friend of mine, Ronnie, asking me to explain myself...so here's the excerpt of the email...maybe another time i'll write more...it is 1:54am and must get to bed to get to work.... :)
When I see fusion, for the most part, it's very deliberate..very static. Most of the time many who fuse say they have studied those areas but really they haven't...they took a class here and there and then they say they have studied and put a long list of styles in their bio ....which implies something else.....I'm not a master in any area...i'm a beginner especially when you look at the real talents out there!!!...lol... but each area I've studied (and I continually study)...I never went in with the intent that I would fuse them...I went in there dedicated to learning that particular focus
At least for me when I dance I don't intentionally fuse for the most part.....I don't intentionally say I'm gonna put flamenco hiphop and mix belly dance....I just feel the music and what comes out comes out...and due to my extensive training in many areas of dance....I can express myself in different ways..my body can do more....(it has a larger vocabulary)....and of course my cultural background comes into play..(for the most part) it is subconscious..unintentional....
So to me fusion ...I don't feel technically fits me....but I think to everyone else, it's my title ...(and i'll accept it to a certain degree because there are many people who need to put you in a category to help them figure you out...to understand you....and maybe many need to see something that is different to see differently.....to many i may have some frou frou "artistic" reservations in being called fusion artist....but for the most part i don't mind....nothing wrong with that for the most part as long as it is not bad...lol...)...but I see it differently....of course i see it differently...i'm an artist... :)