I'm writing at 12:57am now...why?? because i'm nocturnal for no damn reason..it's not like i'm actually doing anything that deserves me being up at this hour...except hoping for a phone call tomorrow for some good news...
I just read a blog post by a fellow dancer friend of mine who is living the life now in Turkey dancing it up. Reading about her background in college and her aspirations back then. It got me thinking about me in college. How I so wanted to fit in and but could not and did not no matter how much I tried and despite being on the Cheer/Dance team.
If I could go back and re-do it all over again, as long as I got the College body back....i say that's a fair exchange.. :)
I would major, in languages, art, and music. That's what I loved but could not do due to my parents restraints....it's tough being an only child to Caribbean immigrant parents. I would love to learn Spanish fully, and French despite French being my native tongue, i've lost alot...I would focus on my loves and not focus on fitting in or badly fulfilling my parents dreams which affected me for the better or for worse. I wont' say how many years since I left my college days but long enough.
I don't miss the desire to fit in from my much younger years. I do miss those tight jeans I could wear.....sigh....
I am trying to fulfill my dreams now....as a performer....the languages thing will have to come at some point....
follow your dreams, be confident in you...don't worry about fitting in....you'll just end up with a bunch of corns..yes i did say corns....you'll have the long aching desire that will haunt you forever, trust me....don't live life haunted...
it's interesting how everythin i do now is out of the "norm" and people love it...but it took time for me to get to that point internally......but i've got school loans to pay back....the collateral damage for my parents' dreams that i never fulfilled because my mind and spirit was not made for that....parents should really pay attention to their children and see what their dreams are and where their talents lay.....nurture ...don't ignore and create a manufactured act...no one relates to them and they eventually dissipate.....i'm still dealing with some issues but hey...i'm not done growing up......and i'm not done reaching for my dreams... :)
Here's a clip of a tv show on MTV called "My Life as Liz"....i watched a few episodes a few months ago and was hooked instantly..but alas i could only watch a few episodes because I don't own a tv......Liz is a cool artsy girl from texas who deals with high school pretty well...and not worried about others and follows her dreams...and ok to be "weird"... :) i think i got hooked when she said to a girl who was so worried about being liked and being prom queen and was upset.....and said...."it's just high school.".......i loved that line and i thought it was so profound....there are bigger things out there....you and your dreams...you are not defined by a moment..... anyhow...to me i thought this was a cool show.....here's a clip of the show....have fun... :)